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The Sound of Finland: SuomiRock, the Radio Station for Rock and Metal Music

·694 words·4 mins
SuomiRock Finland Rock Music Metal Music Radio Station

24/7, the Best Rock and Metal Sounds

In Finland, everyone listens to metal… or at least, that’s the impression. Whether you’re young or middle-aged, whether you have a “hair down to your arse” or a bald head - in Finland, there’s a huge number of rock and metal fans. I was once told that, and it’s true.

In contrast to other countries, where you can only listen to pop rock and classic rock for a maximum of one hour a day, in Finland you can enjoy the best rock and metal sounds 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Because in Finland, there’s RadioRock, a station that gets the hearts of all rock and metal fans racing. On their website, they describe themselves as “quirky, funny, confident, surprising, stylish, and not too serious” - and that’s exactly what they are. They offer a variety of shows, including the morning show “Korporaatio” with Harri Moision, Kim Sainio, and Tytti Junna, who don’t shy away from discussing controversial topics. Other well-known presenters include Jone Nikula, Marce Rendic, Laura Vähähyyppä, Jussi 69, Taneli Rantala, and Olli Herman, all of whom bring their own unique personality and style to the shows.

Radio Rock is Unbeatable in Finland

For many years, SuomiRock has been a fixed part of the Finnish music scene and has developed into a popular radio station that plays the latest hits and classics of Finnish rock and metal bands. However, SuomiRock’s offering is not limited to Finnish bands, but also includes international greats like Metallica, Iron Maiden, and other well-known bands in the scene. New bands also get a chance to present their music on SuomiRock. With an impressive reach of around 98,705 followers on Instagram, SuomiRock has built a loyal fan base that extends beyond Finland. Considering Finland’s relatively small population of around 5.5 million people, it’s even more impressive that SuomiRock has managed to build such a large and loyal community of music fans. This shows that SuomiRock is not only an important part of the Finnish music scene, but also plays a significant role in promoting and disseminating rock and metal music in Finland and beyond.

How it all Began

The history of SuomiRock, also known as Radio Rock, began on January 1, 2007, when the station started broadcasting music at 0:00. The official spoken programs started on January 15, 2007. The first song played on the station was Metallica’s “Master of Puppets” - a classic that still excites many fans today. The presenters of Radio Rock are mostly former employees of Radio City and YleX, such as Klaus Flaming, Jussi Heikelä, Aki Linnanahde, and Jone Nikula. The official mascot of Radio Rock in their commercials is a character named “Rockrooster”. In July 2007, Radio Rock also started broadcasting on the internet, allowing listeners to tune in from anywhere. Today, SuomiRock is an important part of the Finnish music scene and offers a unique mix of music, entertainment, and information. On Instagram, SuomiRock regularly shares updates and content with its followers, including 7,815 posts - a huge amount of content that delights the station’s fans.

The Pommesgabel is Held High

The heavy metal greeting, also known as the “pommesgabel”, is a worldwide known symbol of the metal scene. And Finland is the country that appreciates this greeting the most. With an astonishing density of 53.2 metal bands per 100,000 inhabitants, Finland holds the record for the most metal bands per inhabitant. This impressive record makes Finland one of the “most metal” countries in the world.

In this vibrant music scene, SuomiRock as a radio station benefits from the great variety of metal bands and artists. The station offers a wide range of content, including interviews with artists, current music news, and background reports on the scene. For rock and metal fans, SuomiRock is the perfect address to stay up-to-date and be inspired by the energy and passion of the Finnish metal scene. The pommesgabel is held high - and SuomiRock is right in the middle!

Sources and Further Links #

Instastatistics: Radio Rock!/radiorocksuomi A Map Showing the Density of Metal Bands per Inhabitant


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