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Video Tutorial: The Finnish Wood-Burning Sauna from Ostrobothnia

·591 words·3 mins
sauna sstrobothnia pohjanmaa relaxation pefletti wellness vacation

How to: Enjoying a Sauna on a Finnish Farm in a Real Wood-Burning Sauna – Everyone Should Experience This


Creating YouTube videos is an art. Of course, you do your best, and when it comes to documenting “What’s it like in a Finnish sauna with a wood-burning stove?”, you want to report in detail. Unfortunately, I had to learn that it’s not always that easy. It could always be better.

Time to get Naked – The Sauna is Wood-Fired

During my last trip to Finland, I had the chance to spend a few days on a traditional Ostrobothnian farm, which is no longer in use as a farm. It was an old but modernized farmhouse, with a self-built pool, and in the former barn next door, a sauna was created.

Five Days – Five Sauna Sessions

There’s nothing better than a sauna session—not in the now-common electric sauna, but one with a wood-burning stove. Then, after that, jumping naked into the pool. At that time, the Finnish summer was at its last peak, and during my five days at the Ostrobothnian farm, I had to sauna five times.

Sauna Preparation

The preparations are a bit more time-consuming than some might be used to. First, you need to place the wood in the stove, light it, and don’t forget the air supply. Once the wood is burning, you also need to heat the water used for washing. This is done with the kettle that’s integrated into the sauna’s chimney. Then, of course, you need to keep adding wood…

Preparing the Pool

Once the fire is burning well, you can also prepare the pool: uncover it, remove leaves with a net, turn on the cleaning pump, etc.

Finally 80°C – Time for the First Sauna Session

Once the temperature in the sauna reaches 80°C, you can start with the first sauna session. But first: wash yourself, lay down a “Pefletti” or simply a towel. Create the first burst of steam, then just enjoy your sauna session as usual.

Oh, it’s not always the temperature – “Steam makes the difference”

It’s important that the sauna stones are hot. Then you get strong steam, and the sauna really makes you sweat. Once you need to cool down, jump into the pool. Cool off, and then repeat. The Finns recommend three sauna sessions per visit.

Completely Relaxed

After spending about two hours on preparations and heating, you can enjoy your sauna session. This usually lasts about 60 to 90 minutes. The reward for all the effort is complete relaxation. I can only recommend doing this for several days in a row.

You’ll be amazed!

The Positive Side Effects

In my case, my skin improved. Additionally, the already present vacation relaxation was further enhanced. A deeper sleep is guaranteed! The slight stress from the heat followed by “ice-cold” water is good for circulation.

What’s the Conclusion – What Did I Learn?

I recommend that everyone, away from civilization, engage in a multi-day sauna ritual at least once. How it’s done, you can see in the video.

Let’s Make Something Big Out of This

Now that I’ve also started a YouTube channel, I’d like to take this further. I would be delighted if I could eventually reach the 1,000-subscriber mark. At the time of writing this post, it still seems unlikely. But as with everything: “Good things take time.” If you follow me, that would be a first step, or maybe another step in that direction.


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