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Liesjärvi National Park and Other YouTube Content

·174 words·1 min
youtube nationalpark outdoor sauna

Looking for an escape into nature? Liesjärvi National Park, just an hour from Helsinki, offers the perfect retreat.

Liesjärvi National Park is ideal for short hikes and longer adventures, with its excellent trails, peaceful lakes, and relaxing rest areas. Whether you are a nature enthusiast or simply need a break from city life, Liesjärvi has something special to offer.

But that’s not all! I’ve also uploaded a new YouTube video: “How to Take a Sauna” – perfect for those wanting to experience a true Finnish tradition.
Check out our latest videos and join us on this journey.

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Some content is marked as 18+ by YouTube, such as a #Saunatutorial. Therefore, you might only be able to see some videos censored or not at all on YouTube. More content will be coming in the future. Please consider following me on both YouTube and Rumble. Currently, Rumble offers an uncensored version of my videos, and this will be the plan for future content as well.


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